Habits of the Super Productive

Happy Friday!

As we begin the second half of 2017, it is time to reflect on the things that worked for us so far this year and those that did not. How many goals have you hit? How many are you coming up short on? Do you even remember the goals you set at the beginning of the year?

If you are falling short of your goals, what will it take to make the second half of the year successful? The fact is, unless we act differently, nothing will change. If you look back with disappointment and sense of time wasted, then I would suggest you adopt the 7 Habits of the Super-Productive. This article was printed on Prevention.com last week.

None of these habits are new or unique, which reminds me that the fundamentals of success have not changed. What needs to change are our habits, actions, and behaviors. If you want new results, take new actions.

Habits of The Super-Productive:

Habit 1: They don’t believe in messiness. They recognize that success doesn’t flow into clutter. So they prioritize neatness, and avoid being distracted by side issues, literally and figuratively. They follow the one-touch rule, or at worst, pick one of the 4 D’s – they do it, delay it, delegate it or dump it.
Habit 2: They schedule everything. They prioritize their time and agenda so they squander as few resources as possible. They also plan family and personal time, so they play the right roles in the right balance. This structure makes their lives more efficient, and helps them get better results.
Habit 3: They follow through. As Yogi says, it ain’t over till it’s over. They understand that it’s not how you start the race, it’s how you finish. Their persistence, resilience and determination give them strength and power to get things done, to take them to completion. They learn to chunk their work into manageable pieces so they create momentum and drive.
Habit 4: They don’t check email more than they have to. They anticipate the typical flow of email, and check it only twice or three times a day, to limit wasted time and effort, and prevent getting sucked into online entertainment rather than using the web more responsibly.
Habit 5: They don’t forget about themselves. Like Stephen Covey recommends, they sharpen the saw. They select lifestyle behaviors and patterns that serve them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They listen to their own bio-rhythms, and rest enough, eat properly, and restrict their vices to a reasonable level, if at all. Their self esteem calls for good decision-making, and they accept the responsibility. They tend their own garden, and keep their energy high.
Habit 6: They like to sweeten the pot. When they face a challenging task, they look at it as an opportunity to reward themselves for their excellent performance. They’re not above a little self-bribery, or breaking up the difficult assignment into smaller, more palatable portions, with intermediary gratification along the way. They find a way to get it done and enjoy it.
Habit 7: They make technology work for them. They avoid getting consumed in trivial technological applications, and instead choose to learn those that streamline their day and make them more effective at what they do. They use the latest ideas and devices, while maintaining a grounding in the traditions that got them to where they are.

I promise if you adopt these habits, you will see better results.

The difference between those who achieve great success and those who come up short is those who succeed are willing to do whatever it takes and sacrifice immediate gratification for the long-term gain.
Create clarity, write down your goals, and review them daily. Start by taking massive action today and you will look back at the end of 2017 with a great sense of pride and accomplishment.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

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