Category Archives: Leadership

New Year, Fresh Start

Happy Monday and New Year!
Each New Year marks an opportunity to start new and fresh. A time to reinvent yourself. To look within and decide that this year will be better then any previous year. Its time to decide what you want your life to look like 12 months from now and what actions do you need to take. Then it takes discipline, commitment and dogged determination to never be out worked.
Do this and I promise you can have amazing growth like so many have experienced in 2015. Some of you have expanded your business by 20%, 30% and even 40% this past year! WOW!! A huge Congrats for dreaming big and not accepting mediocrity. Some have eliminated toxic relationships and committed to your daily success habits. While others have built brand new offices, bought new practices and expanded existing offices. Lets not forget those of you who have gotten in better shape and have healed old relationships.
As you can see, many cool things have happened for so many of you. I am honored and humbled to have played a small part.
If you have fallen short of you goals in the past, what are going to do different this year? Who do you need to become? What concepts, ideas and behaviors do you need to adopt? Will you allow others to help you get what you want and even more so, hold you accountable?
The beauty of it all, is it’s all up to you. Your life reflects exactly the thoughts you have. To have something different, create new thoughts.
It is all in front of you. You get to decide. These are exciting times. You can be as successful as you want. Dare to be great. Play up to your God given potential and 12 months from now you can look back with pride on your many accomplishments. Are you ready to get started?

Have an abundant and inspired New Year!

Dr. Jay LaGuardia Sunset

Dr. Jay LaGuardia on Brown Bags & White Boards

I recently came across this inspiring article about leadership. We know that leadership appears in many forms and styles, but perhaps no more important than at home.

Stony Brook College former AD, Jim Fiore, came up with a new idea: the brown bag approach.

Looking for new and innovative ways to inspire his family, he started writing quotes on his son lunch bag. He knows as a leader of young people, that the thoughts we fill our heads with have a big influence on our attitudes and behaviors.

Looking for ways to empower his son with strong and noble thoughts, the lunch bag quickly became the talk of the school. The lunch bag became so popular, that his friends couldn’t wait for lunch period; Not because of the food, but rather for the next empowering thought.

What can you do to empower your teams? What new and innovative ways can you come up with to lead your team to reach new heights? When people are inspired, they are more enthusiastic and hopeful about the future. They are more productive and better at problem solving. Collectively, they feel like there is nothing they can’t achieve.

Your team is looking to be inspired and led. They are waiting for a leader to show up with a vision for them and the practice.

Practice the 3 C’s: Creative, Consistent and Clear.


Dr. Jay LaGuardia Youtube Post

Dr. Jay LaGuardia teaching at a live event in Las Vegas, Nevada about Discipline, how to develop it, and how important it is to success in business and life. The event was OolaPalooza November 2014.  The location was the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.  During this youtube video there is a live audience interacting with Dr. Jay Laguardia as he teaches an important lesson.