Tag Archives: Faith

Dr. Jay LaGuardia discusses “A Leap of Faith”

Are you one of those people who need certainty before taking action? Don’t feel bad. Many people fall into this category. Before we take action, we want to be sure that everything will work out. 

As we all know, there are no certainties in life except death and taxes. Certainty is an illusion. Taking action requires courage or a leap of faith. Not everything will work out. So what? My Nana (Italian Grandmother) always told me, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” I have used this as motivation when I am wavering on a decision.

Failure doesn’t occur when we take action, failure occurs with inaction. There are only lessons to be learned, distinctions to be made, and personal growth to be realized.

We feel fully alive when we take a “leap of faith.”  It’s life’s greatest excitement, our greatest adventures. Don’t miss out. Jump without a chute. Trust that the experience will bring you benefit regardless of the outcome. What have you avoided doing? Take a leap of faith. Embrace the journey and live your life to the fullest.