Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hope is NOT a Strategy

Thank God it’s Monday,

I am blessed to be able to advise and mentor many great business owners and clients each week. I take great pride and responsibility in being able to provide insight and guidance to many challenging issues.

When I interview a perspective client I listen intently to the words they use to describe their dreams and ambitions. Their words provide me important clues to where their mindset is and their level of certainty.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people start with hope as their primary strategy for success. They hope to accomplish X, Y, Z and wonder why they are so frustrated that they have had little success with the goal setting process. It’s apparent they lack certainty and confidence in their ability to achieve their goals.

Let me be perfectly clear….”Hope is not a strategy for success!” It’s certainly not a bad thing to be hopeful and positive when starting on a new adventure; in fact those positive emotions can help you overcome the obstacles and challenges you face along the way.

Simply expressing hope as your strategy will never replace a strong conviction and belief that nothing can stop you. When you believe without a doubt that you will be successful the universe will conspire to provide opportunity and means to insure your success.

From now on when you set new goals create an effective strategy and use hope as the fuel for your success, not as the plan itself. The important take away here is to listen to the words you use. Your words will provide clues to your success.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

No one owes you Jack………

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is time to discuss a very important issue. I believe it is crucial to occasionally address some controversial topics in order to experience our highest self. Today is the issue of entitlement.

When did our culture shift to an entitlement mindset? I have a few ideas. First it seems to me that our current political environment has consciously created a divided culture. Why you ask? It’s simple, the more they divide people by race, gender, and socioeconomic class, age, etc. the more power they derive. They create these arguments that make us feel like victims and powerless. They tell us our current lack of success is the fault of someone else and naturally they have the solutions to fix things. This is a big fat lie to make the politicians relevant. Dividing people derives their power.

The media reinforces these lies everyday. Just because they perpetuate these beliefs, doesn’t make them true. The very definition of a belief is that we accept a concept or idea regardless whether it is based in fact.

Do we have problems as a nation…no doubt! However, I want to share with you a very important fact that can change your life. No one has more influence on your success than YOU! Once I learned this universal truth, everything changed. I no longer gave my power to others. Victimhood will miraculously disappear from your mindset.

History is full of stories of people who have overcome incredible odds in the face of great adversity. There has always been and always will be inequities in this world. Life is not fair, but what are you going to do about it…whine and complain or take back the power to change your life?

No one owes you an education, a home or healthcare. It is not society’s role to insure your success. That is your job, so get to work! Remember no one owes you JACK………

I am interested in your thoughts; please let me know what you think.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


Building Up Others

Thank God it’s Monday,

It is common for me to address leadership in these blogs. The reason for this topic is, everything rises and falls on leadership. Our personal leadership derives our success. Our ability to lead ourselves is rooted in discipline and guided by values. Leadership can transform a business, team, organization or nation with a clear vision, strong moral character and great personal skills.

Great leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. They authentically encourage and praise their followers. When people believe in themselves it is amazing the things that can be accomplished.

Have you shared with those around you how important they are? It doesn’t matter if you are running a business or not. We are all leaders. Our leadership is reflective in our families, friendships and communities. Look for the opportunities to acknowledge and compliment all those you come in contact with.

You can begin to transform your business and life with better leadership skills. The cool thing is you will also begin to see others mirror your behavior and become better leaders themselves. Which is the true definition of leadership.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,

buidling up others

Just Stop!

Thank God its Monday,
So often these weekly blogs are all about what we need to do to become successful. What new thought process we need to adopt or new actions we need to take. The information and concepts shared in these blogs are from my personal experiences in life and business, as well as from leading experts in the world of business and personal growth and finance.
I can personally guarantee that if you apply the lessons learned in these blogs you can create and achieve anything your heart desires.
In this weeks blog I want to offer a totally new concept.
It is time for you to give your mind a respite, a retreat from all your daily routines. It is important to just stop doing and to just ………be. Even if it is for an hour, a day, or a week, just stop! It is impossible to hear your soul’s desires (where dreams originate) amongst the clutter. Spend some time meditating or in prayer. Take a walk in nature or a vacation. Whatever it is that allows you to disconnect.
You will reinvigorate and rejuvenate your body and mind and renew your energy and focus to see your dreams manifest into reality.
Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,
Just Be

The 3 Keys to Abundant Health

Thank God it’s Monday,
We focus so much time and energy on getting ahead that sometimes we forget to take care of our vessel. We talk about purpose and vision as the foundation to a meaningful life, but what does it matter if we forget to take care of our bodies? Reaching our goals and experiencing material abundance, while ignoring our physical well-being is a sin, literally!

It has been said, “God’s gift to us is life, our gift to him, is what we do with that life.” In many ways taking care of our bodies is not just good for our health, but it is a measure of our spiritual evolution. Everyday we must nourish our bodies. How we eat, move, and think is vital to the full expression of life. If we ignore any one of these key behaviors, then we gradually experience diminished energy and health. Ultimately leading to sickness and disease. Who wants that?

The formula for sustained health is simple.  Everyday get out and move around. Do something that is fun. Dance around your house…naked if you like. Exercise should not be work.

Eat nourishing whole foods. If it came from a box, bag or can, it is likely devoid of essential nutrients. Not good! Remember, live food for life.

Finally, nourish the mind with empowering thoughts. Read great books. I heard “Change Your Mind, Change your Destiny” is a really good one! Listen to inspiring music and laugh often, but mostly at yourself. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Always surround yourself with people who build up in strong and noble thoughts.

My friend Dr. James Chestnut said it well, “If you eat well, move well, and think well everyday, you will live well.”

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill you destiny,

Eat Well Move Well Think Well

“Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny”

The day is finally here! The book has been released!

Click on the image of the book below to find it on Amazon!


“Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny” is a journey to the subconscious mind to help you examine why you think and act the way you do. This book will provide you, the reader, the tools necessary to unlock your full innate human potential.
If you no longer want your future to be your past, then start by changing your mind.
Most people get how a poor diet and a lack of movement affects their health but few realize the impact of toxic thoughts on their well-being.
The 8 habits in this book are designed to provide the road map to change your destiny. This book is a simple “how to” with easy to apply action steps no matter the age or ability.
The hardest part of change is not making the same choices today as you did yesterday.

It’s all about the “BE”

Happy Monday,

It’s not about what we DO, it is about who we “BE”. Understanding this statement is the key to a life full of happiness.

So many of us, in particular men, attach our self worth to our professional endeavours. Experiencing success in your profession is not a bad thing. In fact, it is noble to take pride and pursue excellence. Being excellent at what you do is a great value to live by.

What if we do not experience the success we intended? Defining your self worth to your professional success is a risky proposition.  When we are engaging in a typical conversation, we often define ourselves by what we do. For example saying things like, I am a doctor or an attorney, a stay at home Mom or a marketing and sales representative. It doesn’t really matter what it is. These are careers that we have chosen to pursue. Maybe we are fortunate to be living our purpose or perhaps we are simply making a living. It doesn’t matter, these are things we do but they are not who we are.

Please BE conscious of this distinction. You are not defined by your profession. It is “Your State of Being” in which we express the very definition of self. Our BE is the essence of the energy that emanates from us. The question is, is it love or fear? Joy or sadness? Faith or despair? This defines everything about us. It is what others see in us and experience when BEing around us.

Let the light within you define who you are. Attach your self worth to that. You can never go wrong.

Have an abundant and inspired week,

Self hosted audio post

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